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Damn, how did I miss this one? Oh right. I don't live in Detroit and this was pressed in some micro-quantity. The DJ Genesis track Bipolar is my favorite on this Psychostasia compilation ep.
All the Demdike Stare releases are sick as fuck. Need to drop a hundo to get the first twelve? Do it. Their latest Liberation Through Hearing is more of the same: pure aural brilliance. Miles Whittaker (MLZ) and Sean Canty are producing gem after gem.
And triple-high-fives to Loop-o (Andreas at Dubplates & Mastering, Berlin) for cutting another ace lacquer.
Delsin, damn reliable as usual, offers up this fine release by DJ Yoav B. Higher Love will be caressed lovingly by my intoxicated fingers, swooning with uncompromising and--dare I say--incomparable desire to share This with the world.
Oh what, did the "Charlie Brown" sample throw you off? Fuck you. That's the best re-contextualization of a sample I've heard in a real long time.Kris, this is genius.Keep it coming.Take your time.
---(Kids, if you didn't understand the title reference, this is CAT: morris audio 69.)(And Bitch, if you buy this I'll smack it out of your unworthy hands.)
P.S ~ Kris Wadsworth's remix of Jimmy Edgar's latest Hot, Raw, Sex is a sleazy electro house killer.
Just because it's the BEST JUNGLE TRACK EVER doesn't mean anyone gives a shit when I play it out. But I do. I care.Jah bless you, Rupert Parkes. I miss your Photek days.
All copies of Patern Repeat 00/1 that I have purchased have terrible surface noise plaguing both sides. Since there was a test pressing approved by people with hearing, I can only assume this a pressing defect due to poor pressing. Are all copies fucked? If you have a copy that does not have this surface noise, PLEASE CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY. I adore this record and would love to play it out.
If someone had said "minimal techno" ten years ago to me, I would have immediately thought of Thomas Brinkmann, Rich Hawtin, and the Voigt brothers. Probably in that order. Not that these are the only producers who were focusing on stripped-down beats, but they were prominent in my world of then-ago. Nowadays it seems that "minimal" means something very different. Minimal techno is no longer stripped-down and raw but instead it is skippy hi-hats, delayed tom patterns, and Ableton Live presets. And this record, expertly-crafted, is an anthem for this 'new' techno that came in and out of fashion almost as quickly as white rappers in the 90s. Dusty Kid is a talented producer. These tracks are so goddamn clever. And that's exactly why I'm selling my copy.

Holy shit finally Kranky presses Loscil on vinyl. For fuck's sake. They couldn't do it earlier? Oh was Submers not a complete masterpiece worthy of the black satin sex grooves!?! I could have sworn it was. Anyway, here we fucking go at last...
Endless Falls is more Scott Morgan brilliance. As usual.Buy the wax. It has a bonus track not featured on the cd release and sounds better than those mpfrees you downloaded from Soulseek or some torrent site, you pirating fuck.
If they don't love these recordsfuck 'em.
Side B of Jens Zimmermann's A/B on Snork is the kind of sprawling, subtle affair that's easy to love these days. It sounds more like an excerpt from a jam than a carefully-structured composition. Free-flowing and smooth with that rolling bassline that's very similar to Villalobos's For Disco Only 2.
I got up at 3pm today and was running late. I ran out the door, throwing on a sweater with no shirt and shoes with no socks. I rushed into my car and my new Ray-Bans had fallen out of the car door in that half-second before it shut. I heard a 'crush' when I backed out of the driveway but didn't have time to stop and see what it was. When I returned I clearly saw my broken sunglasses. Amazing thing, the lens didn't crack, so I put it back in the mangled frame. They look beat up. And maybe I can identify with that and it endears them to me. Like they weren't really mine until I ran over them.
I'm surprised that Dog Days is still so affordable. It's a great record and three years old already.In fact, I'm surprised that most Redshape releases can still be purchased for under USD$15.
Most of it probably isn't.You gotta dig deeper to make selecting easier. Some people think digging wastes time, but they don't get it. And I don't expect them to.
Takuya Morita's Woman And Shadow is minimal techno that doesn't suck like all those S_nim and Italian releases. Buy it on D i s c o g s right now for two bucks plus the cost of convenient shipping to your home, you lazy fuck.
Pay more attention to Anders Ilar. He's been modestly releasing great records for nearly a decade; I own at least 8 of them. I love the dark, sometimes acidic, and always delicious sounds from this guy. Speaking of which, his contribution to Radio Recordings Four is my favorite track on that compilation. The bassline is deep and sinister. The tempo is slow and easy. Anyone have a copy of the 2x12" for trade? Need that one.
Looks like Resident Advisor hosted an Ilar mix last year. That's cool. I don't really pay attention to stuff like that. When it comes to taste, I'm an island. Aren't you? In fact, why are you reading this...? Go find your own gems. Nah, kidding. Share The Love, kids!

I've bought five copies of this record. They all have (unintended) surface noise throughout side S, the silver side. Inscribed is "D & M" so the masters were cut at Dubplates & Mastering. Does anyone have a copy without the repetitive surface noise on side S? I'm hoping that there was more than one black vinyl pressing, and it's possible to get a copy without the pressing defect. Or maybe there are copies in the same run that sound fine. Do all my copies sound like shit because the stampers were used for too many pressings, and my copies came off the tail end of that run...?
Hmm... Quite the quandary.
Does the limited white/grey marbled pressing have this defect as well? I'm just curious. I can't afford that one anyway.
~ Daddy Peacebucks
Steve Mizek recently articulated everything I've been thinking about these last few years concerning the growing ease of producing and releasing music, and the problems that the underground dance music community are now having to deal with due to this inflated "abundance". Unfortunately, we aren't finding solutions to minimize the mountains of crap music now being released. At least record-only releases made the quest for gems possible due to the demands of pressing wax. Pressing a record meant making a commitment to the music. Now it's gotten out of hand with hundreds of thousands of digital labels. And with all the cheap/free software available, anyone can make a hundred tracks in a couple months for under a grand, with a decent laptop and an inexpensive midi controller. Without further ado... hurts.
Yesterday I picked up Egyptian Lover - D.S.L.'s from a local record store for USD$2.50. Original picture sleeve, VG+ after I cleaned it up. Not a particularly valuable record. At least not at the moment. Understandable, as it is quite dated with a bit of frommage. Production-wise, however, this record is timeless. The sound coming from these cuts stands in stark, authoritative contrast to most productions today which are made and mixed digitally. Egyptian Lover's classic 808 programming punches right through the mix.
Even after seeing the suggestive cover artwork, it still took me a minute to figure out what the letters of the title track mean. Duh. I'm slow sometimes. My mind must be elsewhere...
No worries. You more than made up for it.