Another possibly negligent transaction by a dickhead Ebay seller...
Adding another hundo to my credit card debt...
Or not getting those Robert Hood records for less than the cost of new records...?
'Hoodlum' 2x12" for $2.99!?! Missing that would have been cause for a wrist-slitting party.
Tha Purchase :
Detroit Grand Pu Bahs 'Sandwiches' $3.76
G-Man 'IV' $2.99
Monolake 'Tangent' $5.59
Pelon 'No Stunts' white label $8.99
Porter Ricks 'Vol 2' $8.49
Pub 'Summer PT2' $7.00
Rhythm & Sound w/ Tikiman 'Music A Fe Rule' $4.45
Robert Hood 'Hoodlum' 2x12" $2.99
Robert Hood 'Internal Empire' 2x12" $20.50
Robert Hood 'Moveable Parts Chapter 1' $8.40
Robert Hood 'The Pace' $8.00
Robert Hood 'The Protein Valve' $3.25
Robert Hood (Floorplan) 'Envy' $4.25
Speedy J 'Public Energy No. 1' 2x12" white label $3.25
Thomas Brinkmann 'Axel/Bernd' $4.25
V/A 'Loops' Serotonin Loop Comp $3.25
V/A 'Techno-1' Detroit KMS Comp $5.59

THANK YOU digital djs for selling your records. You may be stinking up the new vinyl market (at least in USia) but your generous contributions of some old gems back into the used record pool is greatly appreciated. I've been buying a lot of sweet techno lately for less than it would cost at Beatport for the 'virtual' tracks.
On the other hand, since your Love doesn't eat you from the inside out as it does me, you don't have to deal with issues like, "Oh shit, 'Internal Empire' skips since it's scratched and I'll have to negotiate some kind of refund, possibly wasting time/energy/money to return it."
This is where your insensitivity, your lack of complete commitment pays off, digital djs.
Lucky for you, ignorance is bliss.
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